Pierce Piano Atlas Anniversary 2017


(Hard Cover)
The hard cover and soft cover editions are exactly the same except for the covers.

This Book Is Used By Almost Everyone Interested In Pianos including: Piano & Organ Dealers, Piano Tuner - Technicians, Piano Refinishers, Piano Restorers, Piano Salespeople, Piano Parts Supply Houses, Piano Teachers, Plus Antique Dealers, Appraisers, Librarians, Museums And More!

The 2017 Anniversary edition has been authoritatively expanded, enlarged and updated to include over 12,500 names providing ready reference to serial numbers, dates of manufacture, factory locations, a brief history of many manufacturers and other pertinent information. Knowledge is success ... and you now have the opportunity to order the most complete and authoritative compilation of factual, historical piano knowledge ever published. A lifetime has been devoted to developing this unique publication. The Pierce Piano Atlas contains background information that may give you the history of a piano manufacturer on which to base honest, intelligent and profitable buying or selling decisions. An invaluable tool for rendering a very real service to your community and establish your reputation as the “local authority.”

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  • Model: $ 35.00
  • Shipping Weight: 22.9oz
  • 2000 Units in Stock

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 12 November, 2016.